The 4 Idols of Francis M. Bacon (2006) for baroque ensemble and electronics


Inherent in the commission was two times, and I wanted to explore the relation as intact positions: that is, the past, present, and future (us, in part) of the “Baroque”; and our past (them), present, and future. Our perception of "them" is of course from history, and theirs of us a certain progressive optimism about the future of rationality, among other concerns.

To this aim, a mixed bag of ingredients: the baroque ensemble (Viol da gamba, baroque Violoncello, Natural Horn, 3 Recorders), excerpts from a text by Francis Bacon (
Novum Organum), a Josquin recording overlaid against itself in canonic fashion, and a live mic outside the concert hall.

Commissioned by and premiered at the 2006 PULSAR Festival.

Played on Danish radio: